2019 Wanderlust Tour Blog Post #1
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Thursday, December 27, 2018
By Sandy Puc Tours
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“A ship in a harbor is safe, but it not what ships are built for.”

- John A. Shedd

It's easy to start things off with a quote- words of other's that encompass what we think or feel or aspire to be. But when a quote truly resonates with you- it stirs your soul. 

I was built to tell stories and to connect with others. I was built to wander, to sail from my safe harbor and experience the tides, the storms, the sunny days and starry nights that come with living a life filled with adventure. 

I've had this innate sense of wanderlust since I was a young girl- at 18 years old- I left my home and traveled (well, ran away) to New York City. With a small suitcase, my camera and a soul craving something new and different from the small Utah town I grew up in- I found myself in emersed in "the melting pot" of America. 

A confluence of cultures, languages, food, and people that were different from me. It was that moment, I knew- I wanted to travel the world. 

The other part of my soul, the photography part- came shortly after. I discovered that I could capture these feelings and experiences through the click of my camera.

Not only that, but I could connect to the people around me. I could capture moments in time, memories and the magic of life and preserve that for others. 

And, after (20?) years- that hasn't changed. My love of traveling has only grown, and my love of capturing memories for other's has exponentially increased. 

That is why I decided to launch the 2019 Wanderlust Tour- a homage to my roots and a way that I can combine my love of photography, people and travel into one.

With my crew by my side- we will be traveling to all 50 states and photographing families in the places that they call home. We will enjoy local food, local fun and make lots of memories along the way.

If you are interested in having your family photographed by me, or would like to see what cities we will be traveling to on this adventure, please click here.

Forever Wandering,

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